About Kim Mckay Psychology

At KM Psychology, we are committed to providing compassionate, evidence-based psychological services. Our mission is to support individuals, couples, and families in navigating life’s challenges, fostering resilience, and achieving personal growth.


I am Kim McKay a Clinical Psychologist in Private practice, who is registered with the HPCSA at Lynnwood Glen, Pretoria and Rockfields Village. I am Registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa and the Board of Healthcare Funders. I offer various services including psychotherapy, mediation, medico-legal assessments, and various psychological assessments.

I work with adults and adolescents, providing individual, couples, family, and group therapy for issues such as mood disorders, anxiety, stress, trauma, abuse, and relationship challenges. My therapy approach is based on an Interactional Framework grounded in General Systems Theory, considering each client holistically within their relationships and environment.


    Internship – Sterkfontein Psychiatric Hospital

    Worked in psychiatric and forensic contexts.

    Treated mental illness & co-occurring substance use disorders.

    Community Service – Department of Correctional Services

    Provided individual & group therapy to offenders.

    Conducted risk assessments for parole eligibility (CSPB, NCCS, Minister of Correctional Services).


    Masters in Clinical Psychology (UNISA).

    Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology (UNISA).

    Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology and Criminology (UNISA).


    Brainworking Recursive Therapy
    Dialectical Behaviour Therapy
    Parent-Infant Psychotherapy
    Family and Divorce Mediation 
    TRE – (Tension & Trauma
    releasing exercises)
    Risk Assessment
    The interactional Pattern
    Interactional Analysis in
    Family matters
    Foundational course

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Exciting news! We are expanding to Rockfields Village, Centurion (Cnr Tshiomate Close & Lenchen Drive, Rooihuiskraal).

Contact us for more details.

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